Past Initiatives and Goals for Tomorrow

Goals For Tomorrow

The members of TLV have selected three (3) Goals for Tomorrow.

    Consolidation of City and County Services: There are many opportunities for the City of Tulsa and Tulsa County to improve on the delivery and cost of public services. The range of opporunities can extend from the consolidation of the two governments into a metro government to the selection of specific services provided by both governments where consolidation may be beneficial.

    The reasons often cited to support an examination of combining government services are: (1) to realize cost savings, (2) to increase efficiency of service delivery, (3) to improve the financial resource base of each government, (4) to enhance and coordinate planning capacity, (5) to improve accountability, (6) to improve economic development attraction, and (7) to improve overall intergovernmental effectiveness.

    Working with public leaders and citizens, TLV will examine opportunities for consolidation of services which will include finalizing the City - County Park and Recreation Consolidation Master Plan.

    Adoption of the Public Safety District Act by the Legislature: Continuing the legislative action which occurred in 2016 on the Public Safety District Act, TLV will join forces with other cities, organizations, and business leaders to resume the introduction of the Public Safety District Act in the 2017 Legislature. If adopted, the Act would allow municipalities to bring before the voters for the first time an opportunity to provide funding to public safety agencies through the assessment of ad valorem taxes.

    City Planning and Economic Development Reforms: TLV believes that a significant impediment for commercial and economic development in Tulsa is the current building development/permitting/inspection approval process by the City of Tulsa. Many developers and those wanting to improve their property find the current process overly burdensome, over regulated, costly, and lengthy. TLV will examine the current organization and delivery of services through the Development Office of city government and design a proposed new model of service delivery that provides more choices and improvements designed by the private sector.

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