Past Initiatives and Goals for Tomorrow
Past Initiatives
Arkansas River Development: TLV was an instrumental "think tank" for the vetting of the river development proposals earlier in 2016. Through a very collaborative and inclusive process, TLV gathered together the key decision makers and subject matter experts to examine all aspects and impacts which would likely occur from the development of the Arkansas River. This analysis was then shared with the city and county leaders as they prepared for the public vote in 2016.
Tulsa Area Park and Recreation Systems: TLV believed it was time to examine the future of the metro park systems in both the City of Tulsa County. With the soon to be opened Gathering Place, the members of TLV believed the timing was right to do fact finding and feasibility analysis on how the area would support park systems managed by the City, County, River, Parks Authority, and the Gathering Place. Through private funding, TLV contracted with Green Play, LLC, a nationally recognized parks management firm to lead the analysis. Phases I & II of the fact finding and feasibility analysis have been completed. It is hoped that Phase III will be completed in 2017, resulting in a Master Plan for Parks and Recreation.
Creation of a Website and Document Management Library: Over the years local governments and agencies have produced a large number of reports, studies, and analysis on everything from the airport to the zoo. Millions of dollars have been spent producing these documents in the hopes they will provide policy and practical guidance for local leaders. TLV determined it would be of great benefit to collect these documents and create a management library through the TLV website so that anyone interested in reading these reports would have access to them. Today, through the TLV website, dozens of these reports are now available.
Goals For Tomorrow