How will Tulsa's Leadership Vision communicate it's agenda and ideas?
TLV may utilize any number of approaches to engage the community and to communicate its findings and recommendations to improvement goernment operations. These could include: community and neighborhood forums,
direct email, TV, radio, email and website outreach, press releases and other methods to build grassroots support and educate the public regarding the key issues, challenges, and opportunities for Tulsa's future.
The main communication goal for TLV will be to create the message, get out in front with the message and drive the community conversation about decisions effecting Tulsa's future. At times this may involve partnering with other public or private entities
whose agenda is consistent with the mission, values, and goals of TLV.
What are the financial advantages of those who support funding Tulsa's Leadership Vision?
A. TLV objectives shall be:
1. Build public support for the pro-growth business and
modern government agenda, develop an appropriate
message, organize grassroots support, and work
through various media outlets.
2. Educate citizens on how to advocate their support
for the TLV agenda.
3. To research and develop sound solutions to local
government challenges.
4. Develop an appropriate and non-partisan viable
agenda based upon sound business principles,
practices, research and knowledge which will
improve Tulsa's government and quality of life.
5. Implement a strategy to guide a pro-growth,
proactive, pro citizen agenda through tine
legislative, political, and business processes
within the government and the community.
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